[PRNewswire] China and South Korea Fortify Economic Ties at 2nd CISCE Roadshow

김윤수 기자 승인 2024.06.03 18:53 의견 0
(PRNewsfoto/China International Supply Chain Expo)

[PRNewswire] China and South Korea Fortify Economic Ties at 2nd CISCE Roadshow

SEOUL, South Korea June 1, 2024 /PRNewswire=연합뉴스/ -- On May 27, 2024, the 8th China-Japan-South Korea Business Summit convened in Seoul, South Korea, highlighted by a delegation led by Ren Hongbin, Chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. The program featured the China-South Korea Economic Exchange Meeting and the 2nd China International Supply Chain Expo[https://en.cisce.org.cn/ ] (CISCE) Roadshow, which attracted over 200 representatives from various business associations and companies from the two countries.

China International Exhibition Center, the event's organizer, signed the Memorandums of Understanding for the 2nd CISCE with the South Korea-China Private Sector Economic Cooperation Forum and the World Electric Vehicle Association (WEVA).

Mr. Ren emphasized the robust economic and trade cooperation between China and South Korea, describing it as the bedrock of bilateral relations and essential for practical cooperation between the two nations. He expressed China's eagerness to strengthen business connections, particularly in emerging sectors, such as the digital economy, green development, high-end manufacturing, biomedicine, and artificial intelligence (AI). He warmly welcomed South Korean firms to join the upcoming Expo in November.

Mr. Xing Haiming, Chinese Ambassador to South Korea, underscored the vital and indispensable role of efficient and resilient industrial and supply chains amid the ongoing process of globalization. He expressed optimism for future collaboration between two countries in exploring opportunities in green energy, the digital economy, and other burgeoning sectors.

Mr. Lee In-ho, Vice President of the Korea International Trade Association (KITA), remarked on the substantial growth of two countries. He stressed the importance of leveraging their existing economic and trade cooperation to jointly pursue opportunities in advanced technologies.

Ms. Yoo Myung-hee, former Trade Minister at South Korea's Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy, spotlighted the critical need for stabilizing and managing the interconnected supply chains between the two countries in today's economic climate. She called for enhanced communication channels and increased resilience against disruptions to the supply chain.

Mr. Ji Yong-mo, Chairman of the South Korea-China Private Sector Economic Cooperation Forum, praised the achievements of the South Korea-China Private Sector Economic Cooperation Forum in organizing member companies to participate in the inaugural CISCE last year. He reaffirmed the Forum's unwavering commitment to fully support the upcoming the 2nd edition of CISCE.

The second CISCE will be held in Beijing from 26th-30th November this year. Please visit https://en.cisce.org.cn/ for more information.

Source: China International Supply Chain Expo

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출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료

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